Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Poverty is a situation where by a man can not fend for his family,when a family is living below $1 per day. A situation where the square meal has been reduced to 0-0-1 or 0-1-1,unable to purchase immediate needs within the family.

Inability to pay for the children school fees, house rent etc.





GOVERNMENT: It is the full responsility of the Government to provide an enabling environment for individuals or corporate organization to use in eradicating poverty. Such an enabling environment is by putting a legislative frame work that can enable the organisations, Multi-Nationals and the communities to take care of the immediate needs of people within their environment, such needs are: good roads, guaranty drinkable water availablity and unit errupted power supply, with all these in place and more the Government is

providing an enabling environment for the people to set up a cottage and small scale industries within their immediate communities, with that individuals and families will be assured of a working empowerment and can go a ling way to eradicate poverty.

FINANCIAL FRAME WORK: The Government can through this create an enabling environment for individuals to have access to soft loan in setting up of economical empowerment within their immediate needs and environment such as: Agricultural loan, Cottage industrial loan, Small scale industrial loan etc.


SOCIETY: The society has a long way to contribute and the fight to eradicate poverty.If only the Multi-National,Corporate organisations,NGOs and some weathy entrepreneurs within a particular environment to compliment to what Government have provided it will go a long way to eradicate poverty.A Multi-National within a communities can setup a soft loan corporative

society within the members of her operational zone.Such a loan shall be made available for the people at grass root,they can be grouped in various of indentifying them and the loan tobe rotational within the members of each group,such company can help to eradicate by providing bore holes,tying of some kilometres of roads,purchasing of tractors to be leased out to farmers,provision of farm seedlings,storage,etc.

HEALTH: Some companies and Multi-Nationals can compliment the effort of Government by purchasing bulk drugs from the manufacturers to some Government Hospitals within their operational zone,with these and more,it will go a long way to eradicate poverty,not forgetting the scholarship awarding scheme as the key word of empowerment,for education is wealth.

INDIVIDUAL: The weathy individuals within our society can go a long way in helping to eradicate poverty by using some of the resources within their their reach to empower some members of their immediate environment andcommunities,they can use their influence both political and business connection to attract some Government attention into their

communities or some indusrial establishment by business association.Wealthy individuals can help by building schools,hospitals,farm settlements,awarding of scholarship to the less priviledge ones, Rochas foundation is currently doing in the educational sector.All these and more will go a long way in eradicating poverty..


If one really wants to stay out of poverty the journey starts now no matter the
level of your education you can still be educated.The journey starts by making a step
first.There are four steps for you to start with:

FIRST STEP: Look around your environment and identify needs.

SECOND STEP: Put your priority right.

THIRD STEP: Be focused.

FOURTH STEP: Achieve your success.